
Enhancing Synthetic Data Techniques for Practical Applications (8/22 - 8/25)

Enhancing Synthetic Data Techniques for Practical Applications

Poirot: Private Contact Summary Aggregation (2020 - Present)

Poirot helps combat the spread of COVID-19 by measuring physical distancing and computing aggregate statistics while protecting privacy of individual users.

Secure and Accountable I/O (2018 - Present)

Minimal enforcement layers built on trusted hardware to provide control and accountability for users' sensitive I/O data.

Attacks on Real-World Uses of Machine Learning (2016 - present)

Some real-world uses of machine learning, e.g., for face recognition and malware detection, can be fooled

Behavioral Verification (2011 - present)

Verifying that received messages are consistent with claimed client software can be an effective server defense